Computational Domain

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Computational Domain is a continuous part of a two- or three-dimensional space for which water flow or solute transport is simulated. The Domain Geometry term relates to the shape of this space. The Domain Geometry can be defined for simple cases using parameters (using a Generalized Rectangle in 2D projects or a Generalized Hexahedral in 3D projects) and for general cases using boundaries (boundary curves for two-dimensional domains and boundary surfaces for three-dimensional domains). In the 3D-Standard version, the Geometry is defined using the Base Surface, which is a 2D domain of an arbitrary shape, and a set of Thickness Vectors, that define the variable thickness of the 3D domain or thicknesses of an arbitrary number of Geo-Layers (called Sub-Layers in Version 1). Such domain is then called the 3D-Layered domain. Although such domains can not be fully general, they allow definition of a majority of realistic 3D problems. In the 3D-Professional version, the Geometry (general three-dimensional domains) can be formed from three-dimensional objects (Solids, bodies) of general shapes. Three-dimensional objects are formed by boundary surfaces, which can be either Planar surfaces or curved surfaces (Quadrangle, Rotary, Pipe, B-Spline). In more complicated cases it is also possible to use Intersections of surfaces and solids and to create in this way openings in solids or to carry out with solids logical operations.

For 2D projects the computational domain can exist in:

Detailed definitions of different two- and three-dimensional domains is given below.

2D - Parametric



Defined by boundary curves




Defined by Base Surface and Thickness Vectors


Defined using three-dimensional objects (Solids, bodies) of general shapes