HyPar Module

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HyPar is a parallelized version of the standard two-dimensional and three-dimensional HYDRUS computational modules (h2d_calc.exe and h3d_calc.exe). HyPar uses parallel programming tools and techniques to take advantage of multiple cores and to accelerate calculations on multi-core processor computers. HyPar currently supports only calculations in the direct mode (does not support the inverse mode), and it does not support any add-on modules (e.g., HP2, UnsatChem, Wetland, and/or C-Ride). The HyPar module is initialized on the Program Tab of the Program Options dialog window.

The name HYPAR (HyPar) is an acronym for "Hydrus Parallelized". The term, which has been suggested by Rien, is also intended to indicate a "Hyper" action when a multiple cores of a PC processor work in unison like 'a bunch of bees'. The results of the speedup of the HyPar module compared to the standard modules are presented below.