Intersections of Surfaces and Solids

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A/ Intersection of Surfaces: Select two or more Surfaces, click with the right mouse button on these selected Surfaces, and select the command “Create Intersection”. When more types of different objects are selected (nodes, lines, surfaces, …), which can for example occur when selection is made by a Rectangle (or a Rhomboid), then the command is located in the submenu “Surfaces”.

B/ Intersection of Solids (this option is not yet available): Select two or more Solids, click with the right mouse button on these selected Solids, and select the command “Create Intersection”. When more types of different objects are selected (nodes, lines, surfaces, …), which can for example occur when selection is made by a Rectangle (or a Rhomboid), then the command is located in the submenu “Solids”.

C/ Intersection of Surfaces and Solids (this option is not yet available): It is possible to create this intersection using the menu command Insert->Domain Geometry->Intersection or by clicking with the right mouse button on the item “Intersections” in the data tree of the Navigator bar and selecting “Insert Intersections” from the displayed popup menu. In the dialog, select desired type of Intersection (surfaces, solids, …).