This dialog is intended for specifying calculation parameters and running the simulation.
Output options
- Save results in binary format - enables the saving of output files in binary format or text format. Binary files have significantly smaller sizes and reading/writing is usually faster. Text files can us the check values in the files.
- Save within-chain diagnostic - creates file DREAM_Out_Diagnostic.txt with Coda diagnostic of each chain
- Save between-chain diagnostic - creates files DREAM_Out_BetweenChainDiagnostic_Rstat.txt (*.bin) and DREAM_Out_BetweenChainDiagnostic_MRstat.txt (*.bin) with Save R- and MR-statistics
- Save Markov chains - creates files DREAM_Out_ChainN.txt (*.bin) with Markov chains
- Save ParSet - creates files DREAM_Out_ParSet.txt (*.bin) with ParSet matrix
- Save model simulations - creates file DREAM_Out_FxSN.txt (*.bin) with calibration data of measurements or ABC-summary metrics data.
- Save summary statistics - creates file DREAM_Out_SN.txt (*.bin) with summary metrics in each generation.
Calculation Options
- Multi-core computation chains - enables the running of calculations in parallel mode
Calculation Options - Global Settings
- Set the number of threads automatically - sets the number of calculation threads according to the number of available cores (including hyper-threading)
- Set custom number of threads - allows manual specification of the number of calculation threads
- Set the highest priority to calculation threads - calculation will run with the highest system priority
Calculation commands
- Calculate - starts the calculation
- Stop - interrupts the running calculation
- Refresh - updates the content of the output window, which may not be up-to-date if user clicked on it by mouse or scrolled it.
- Delete results - deletes existing results of the current simulation case
Figure 3.3.12. Calculation dialog