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// Interface IDreamInputParams





 helpstring("IDreamInputParams - reader/writer interface to DreamParams"),



interface IDreamInputParams : IDreamInputParViewer


 [helpstring("Dimensionality target distribution d")]

 HRESULT SetProblemDimension([in] int problemDimension, [in] int iLock);

 [helpstring("Number of Markov chains N")]

 HRESULT SetNumberOfMarkovChains([in] int numberOfMarkovChains, [in] int iLock);

 [helpstring("Number of generations T")]

 HRESULT SetNumberOfGenerations([in] int numberOfGenerations, [in] int iLock);

 [helpstring("Choice of likelihood function")]

 HRESULT SetLikelihoodChoice([in] eLikelihood likelihoodChoice, [in] int iLock);

 [helpstring("Number of crossover values nCR")]

 HRESULT SetNumberOfCrossoverValues([in] int numberOfCrossoverValues, [in] int iLock);

 [helpstring("Number chain pairs for proposal delta")]

 HRESULT SetNumberChainPairs([in] int numberChainPairs, [in] int iLock);

 [helpstring("Random error for ergodicity lambda")]

 HRESULT SetRandomErrorForErgodicity([in] double randomErrorForErgodicity, [in] int iLock);

 [helpstring("Randomization zeta")]

 HRESULT SetRandomization([in] double randomization, [in] int iLock);

 [helpstring("Test to detect outlier chains")]

 HRESULT SetOutlierTest([in] eOutlierTest outlierTest, [in] int iLock);

 [helpstring("Probability of jump rate of 1 pJumpRate_one")]

 HRESULT SetProbabilityOfJumprate([in] double probabilityOfJumprate, [in] int iLock);

 [helpstring("Adapt selection prob. crossover pCR")]

 HRESULT SetAdaptSelection([in] int adaptSelection, [in] int iLock);

 [helpstring("Each Tth sample is stored thinning")]

 HRESULT SetThinnigSampleToStore([in] int thinnigSampleToStore, [in] int iLock);

 [helpstring("GLUE likelihood parameter")]

 HRESULT SetGlueLikelihood([in] int glueLikelihood, [in] int iLock);

 [helpstring("Diagnostic Bayes? Values: 1=true, 0=false")]

 HRESULT SetBayesDiagnostic([in] int bayesDiagnostic, [in] int iLock);

 [helpstring("Scaling factor of built-in jump rate beta0")]

 HRESULT SetScalingFactorOfJumpRate([in] double scalingFactorOfJumpRate, [in] int iLock);

 [helpstring("Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA) with hydrologic data. Number of different models")]

 HRESULT SetNumberOfDifferentModelsBMA([in] int numberOfDifferentModelsBMA, [in] int iLock);

 [helpstring("Model vectorization type")]

 HRESULT SetVectorization([in] eVectorization vectorization, [in] int iLock);

 [helpstring("Number of steps after which the convergence is checked and updated")]

 HRESULT SetSteps([in] int steps, [in] int iLock);

 [helpstring("Initial sampling distribution type")]

 HRESULT SetInitialDistribution([in] eInitDistrib initialDistribution, [in] int iLock);

 [helpstring("Boundary handling type")]

 HRESULT SetBoundHandling([in] eBoundHandling boundHandling, [in] int iLock);

 [helpstring("Use prior distribution even for m_InitialDistribution != eInitPrior? Values: 1/0")]

 HRESULT SetUsePriorDistribution([in] int usePriorDistribution, [in] int iLock);

 [helpstring("Prior distribution type")]

 HRESULT SetPriorDistributionType([in] ePriorType priorDistributionType, [in] int iLock);

 [helpstring("Evaluator can run in parallel?")]

 HRESULT SetParallelMode([in] eParallelMode parallelMode, [in] int iLock);

 [helpstring("Lock/unlock parameter p to prevent changes in GUI. Values of p: 1/0 = lock/unlock")]

 HRESULT LockParameter([in] eDreamInputPar p, [in] int iLock);
