Auxiliary Programs for HP1/2

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Graphical user interfaces for creating PHREEQC input files:

Phreeqc for Windows:

A GUI for PHREEQC able to

• Create PHREEQC input files in an input text editor with some helpful features such as syntax highlight and a keyword index

• An read-only output editor with hyperlinks to different parts of the output file

• A read-only database editor

• A simple debugger to check the input file for errors

• A grid to display the results in a spreadsheet format

• A powerful charting option to display the results graphically

• Automatic running of the PHREEQC executable


             (checked 15/07/2009)


Phreeqc Interactive:

A GUI for PHREEQC able to

• Create PHREEQC input files using an advanced graphical user interface minimizing the risk for errors on syntax

• Advanced Help instructions

• Access to the thermodynamic information by the graphical user interface panels

• Error and warning panel

• Output panel with hyperlinks


              (checked 15/07/2009)


HP2 Module

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