PHREEQC Examples and Templates

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1. Rain water in equilibrium with the partial pressure of oxygen and carbon dioxide of the atmosphere

Solution 1 Rain Water

  -pH 7 charge

  -temp 20

  -units mmol/kgw




  C 1 CO2(g) -3.5

  O(0) 1 O2(g) -0.68



2. Define a series of solution compositions using SOLUTION_SPREAD.

Following solutions are defined: two types of boundary solutions (rain water and irrigation water) and four types of initial solutions (corresponding to four materials in the soil profile). Inorganic carbon concentration is defined by the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere for the boundary solutions and a partial pressure of carbon dioxide of 10-2.5 atm for the soil.


Number    Description      pH     Na    K    Cl    C

                           Charge                  CO2(g) -3.5

3001      rain water       7                       1

3002      irrigation water 7                       1



Number    Description      pH     Na    K    Cl    C

                           Charge                  CO2(g) -2.5

1001      A horizon        7                       1

1002      E horizon        7                       1

1003      B horizon        7                       1

1004      C horizon        7                       1

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