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SOLUTION_SPREAD is an alternative to the keyword SOLUTION. The format of the SOLUTION_SPREAD is compatible with many spreadsheet structures. A number of different solutions are defined; the input of each solution is defined in a single row. The columns which have to be tab-delimited are different identifiers or element names.










column headings


chemical data


column headings

Indicates the content of the columns in the SOLUTION_SPREAD. Column headings are number, description, identifiers (without hyphen; temp, pH, pe, redox, units, density, water, isotope), element names, element valence-state names or isotope names.

number: to specify the solution number, or a range of solution numbers (see SOLUTION).

description: comment which describes the solution.

Note that the column headings must be tab-delimited.


(optional) Specifies element-specific units, redox couples, and concentration-determining phases. It may contain all options from the element list in the SOLUTION keyword, i.e. [units], ([as formula] or [gfw gfw]), [redox couple], [(charge or phase name [saturation index])] (see SOLUTION for an explanation). Data within a column, i.e. for a specific element, must be space delimited. Data between the columns, i.e. for different elements, must be tab delimited.

chemical data

For each solution, a row with the specific information for the solution has to be given (tab-delimited). Except for a few columns (e.g., description), this is analytical data for a given solution. If the column number is not specified, solution numbers go by default sequentially from 1 or from the largest solution number previously defined by SOLUTION, SOLUTION_SPREAD or SAVE.



• Define a series of solution compositions using SOLUTION_SPREAD (go to example)


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