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To define the pure phase assemblage in equilibrium with a given solution (or node number). In this block, also gas phases with fixed partial pressure are defined. Equilibrium will also be sought for the phases in the assemblages. SOLUTIONS without a corresponding EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES definition will not react with a pure phase assemblages.


EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES number [description]

phase name [saturation index [(alternative formula or alternative phase) [amount]]] [dissolve_only]



Number of the corresponding solution or node. A range of numbers can be defined in the form of m-n, where m is less then n.


(optional) A comment that describes the pure phase assemblages.

phase name

Name of the phase, defined under the keyword PHASES, either in the database file or previously in the phreeqc.in file.

saturation index

(optional) Target saturation index for the pure phase. In case of a gas, this is log of the target partial pressure. If the amount of a phase in the assemblage is too small, it is possible that equilibrium is not reached. Default is 0.0.

alternative formula

(optional) Chemical formula that is added or removed instead of the phase name to reach the target saturation index for the phase name. In this case, the phase name does not react, it is the stoichiometry of the alternative formula which is added or removed from the aqueous phase to obtain the target saturation index.

alternative phase

(optional) Name of the alternative phase that is added or removed instead of the phase name to reach the target saturation index for the phase name. In this case, the phase name does not react, it is the stoichiometry of the alternative phase which is added or removed from the aqueous phase to obtain the target saturation index. The alternative phase must be defined under the keyword PHASES, either in the database file or previously in the phreeqc.in file.


(optional) The (initial) amount in moles per 1000 cm³ of soil of the phase in the assemblages or of the alternative reaction or phase. Default is 10.0 moles/1000 cm³ soil.


(optional) Option to indicate that the phase only dissolve, but does not precipitate (the solution thus remains oversaturated with respect to phase name). This option can only be given when the other options (saturation index, alternative reaction/alternative phase, amount) are also given.



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