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To define the composition and the amount of an assemblage of exchanger in equilibrium with a solution (or node number). SOLUTION without a corresponding EXCHANGE definition will not react with exchange sites. Initial composition of the exchange sites can be defined in two ways:

• Explicitly by listing the composition of each exchange component.

• Implicitly by specifying that each exchanger is in equilibrium with a solution of fixed composition.


EXCHANGE number [description]

exchange_formula amount

exchange_formula name [(equilibrium_phases or kinetic_reactant)] exchange_per_mole


EXCHANGE number [description]

exchange_site  amount

exchange_formula name [(equilibrium_phases or kinetic_reactant)] exchange_per_mol




Number of the corresponding solution or node. A range of numbers can be defined in the form of m-n, where m is less then n.


(optional) A comment that describes the exchange assemblages.


Exchange species including stoichiometry of exchange ion and exchange site(s). In case a name is defined, the exchange_formula must be charge balanced; if no exchange ions are included, then the exchange site must be uncharged.


The name of the exchange site previously defined by EXCHANGE_MASTER_SPECIES


Name of the pure phase or the kinetic reactant that this kind of exchange site. The use of name assumes that some ions in the pure phase or the kinetic reactant are available for exchange.

• Equilibrium_phases (default): the amount of the phase in the EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES block with the same number is used to determine the number of exchange sites. The stoichiometry of the phase (defined in PHASES block) must contain sufficient amounts of exchangeable ions. (optionally, e)

• Kinetic_reactant: the amount of the phase in the KINETICS block with the same number is used to determine the number of exchange site. The stoichiometry of the kinetic reactant (defined in KINETICS) must contain sufficient amounts of exchangeable ions. (optionally, k)


Quantity of the exchange sites or exchange species in moles / 1000 cm3


Number of moles of the exchange species per mole of phase or kinetic reactant (mol/mol).


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