FE-Mesh Sections

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FE-Mesh Sections are parts of the FE-Mesh used to specify input variables and to display results of calculations. By default, two-dimensional problems have only one section consisting of the entire transport domain. For three-dimensional problems one section by default is formed by the Whole FE-Mesh, whereas each horizontal (vertical for some applications) layer forms one additional section, while the last section is made up by the vertical surface. For example, the bottom section can be displayed when the bottom boundary conditions are specified, while the top section can be displayed when the surface boundary conditions are provided. One can similarly display results at different depths using different horizontal sections.

Additional sections can be created using commands from the FE-Mesh Sections part of the FE-Mesh version of the Edit Bar. One can display any existing section (or set of sections) and modify them using the Cut Section With Rectangle command, and then create a new section using the New Section from View command. This new section will then appear in the list of sections in the Section Tab of the Navigator Bar and can be recalled at any time. Existing sections can be manipulated (Display, Hide, Select, Unselect, Rename, Delete, Move Up, and Move Down) using the Edit Section command from the Edit Bar, or using Edit->Sections->Edit Sections.

Section commands:


       Display whole Domain/FE-Mesh

       Display Selected Sections

       Hide whole Domain/FE-Mesh

       Hide Selected Sections

       Display only Selected Nodes

       Display Previous State

       Toggle Visibility


       Generate FE Sections

       Create New Section from Selected Nodes

       Create New Section From Current View

       Create Default Sections (delete existing ones)

       Delete Selected Section

       Move Selected Section Up

       Move Selected Section Down

       Select FE-Mesh Nodes of Selected Sections

       Unselect FE-Mesh Nodes of Selected Sections

       Edit Sections in Dialog

       Cut with Rectangle

       Cut with Indexes

Automatically Generated FE-Mesh Sections in Different HYDRUS Versions:

HYDRUS Version

Generated FE-mesh Sections




For each Layer (of more than one) and each Geo-Section defined by user.


For each Layer of the FE-Mesh


For each FE Layer, each geometrical Layer, and for each Column


For each Geo-Section.