GUI Toolbar

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Brief Description

View/Edit Domain Geometry

Sets the View window to View/Edit Domain Geometry mode.

View/Edit FE-Mesh

Sets the View window to View/Edit FE-Mesh mode.

View/Edit Domain Properties

Sets the View window to View/Edit Domain Properties mode, to edit materials.

View/Edit Initial Conditions

Sets the View window to View/Edit Initial Conditions mode, to edit pressure head initial conditions.

View/Edit Boundary Conditions

Sets the View window to View/Edit Boundary Conditions mode, to edit water flow boundary conditions.

Execute Calculation

Executes a HYDRUS version 3.0 FORTRAN application.

View Results

Sets the View window to View Results mode, to view the pressure head distribution.

Edit Properties on Mesh

Switches between the mode of specifying properties on FE-Mesh and Geo-Objects.

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