View Toolbar

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Brief Description

Rotate View

Allows objects in the View windows to be rotated using the mouse while holding the left mouse button.

Scroll View

Allows moving (scrolling) of objects in the View window using the mouse while holding the left mouse button.

Zoom View

Allows zooming of objects in the View window using the mouse while holding the left mouse button.

 Similar functions can be achieved by pressing various buttons on the keyboard. Rotating is achieved by holding simultaneously the Ctrl button on the keyboard and the left mouse button. Scrolling occurs by holding simultaneously the Shift button on the keyboard and the left mouse button. And finally, zooming is achieved by holding simultaneously the Alt button on the keyboard and the left mouse button.



Brief Description

Zoom by Rectangle  

Zooms in on a certain part of the View window using a rectangle.

View All 

Shows the default view of the View window.

Previous View  

Shows the previous view of a certain part of the View window.

In Reverse Z-direction  

Sets the view of the transport domain in the reverse Z-direction.

View Commands 

Shows a pop-up menu with the following commands:

      Isometric View

Sets isometric view.

      In X-direction

Sets the view of the transport domain in the X-direction.

       In Y-direction

Sets the view of the transport domain in the Y-direction.

      In Z-direction

Sets the view of the transport domain in the Z-direction.

       In Reverse X-direction

Sets the view of the transport domain in the reverse X-direction.

       In Reverse Y-direction

Sets the view of the transport domain in the reverse Y-direction.

       In Reverse Z-direction

Sets the view of the transport domain in the reverse Z-direction.

       Perspective View

Sets a perspective view.

       Default View

Sets the default view (view all)

       Save Current View

Saves a current view

       Edit Named Views

Edits named views

Isometric View  

Specifies the isometric view.

Perspective View  

Specifies the perspective view.

View Stretching Factors  

Calls the View Stretching Factors dialog window.

Rendering Commands


      Full Model

      Transparent Model

      Wire Model  

      Use Material Colors  

Displays a menu with three commands on how to display the transport domain:

Displays the transport domain as a full object.

Displays the transport domain as a transparent object.

Displays the transport domain as a wired object.

Uses Material Colors

Sections Commands


Displays a menu with nine commands for editing sections:

 Cut with Rectangle

 Cut with Indexes

 Create New Section from Selection

 Create New Section from Current View

 Display All

 Display Previous

 Display only Selection

 Display Reverse

 Edit Section

Graph Type Commands  

Displays a menu with five commands.


Displays the spatial distribution of a certain variable by means of isolines.

     Color Contours  

Displays the spatial distribution of a certain variable by means of color contours.

     Color Points  

Displays the spatial distribution of a certain variable by means of color points.

     Color Edges 

Displays the spatial distribution of a certain variable by means of color edges.

     Velocity Vectors  

Displays Darcy velocity vectors. 

     Show Min/Max Values  

Displays minumum and maximum values.

Color Scale Options  

Displays menu with seven commands:

     Color Smoothing

Changes color from abrupt to gradual at isolines.

     Surface Lighting

Turn on or off surface lighting that lights the displayed transport domain.

     Min/Max Values Global in Time

Adjust color scale

     Min/Max Values Global in Space

Adjust color scale

     Standard Scale

Select the standard scale.

     Custom Scale

Select a user-defined scale.

     Edit Scale and Colors

Edits Scale and Colors


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