HP2 Components and Database Pathway

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HP2 Components and Database Pathway dialog window.

Following information related to the reactive transport is defined in this panel:

Users must specify the pathway to and the name of the Database file (Database Pathway). A specific file can be selected using the Browse button. This information is stored in the species.in input file.

Users must specify names of Components to be transported. Components must start with a capital letter and must be present as element_name in the SOLUTION_MASTER_SPECIES keyword block of the thermodynamic database file or the phreeqc.in input file. Three special components are:

Each redox state of redox-sensitive components has to be defined as a component. Without a valence state, a redox-sensitive component will not be recognized. Thus, while Fe is not a valid component, Fe(2) and Fe(3) are. HP2 will issue a warning when a component is present in the aqueous phase during the geochemical calculations (with PHREEQC), but it is not transported (i.e., when it is not defined as a component in this dialog window).


User specify how chemical solutions for the initial and boundary conditions are defined in the Boundary Conditions section:

When numbering solution compositions, it is recommended to use values larger than the maximum number of nodes in the simulation domain (e.g., larger than 1000). A systematic way is to use:


When a user wants from HYDRUS GUI to create the phreeqc.in file, he/she needs to check the check box Create PHREEQC.IN File Using HYDRUS GUI. In this case, a structured phreeqc.in file (with specific identifiers) is created (see the Phreeqc.in Input File) by combining information specified in the HYDRUS GUI, such as:

More detailed information is given in the section on the Phreeqc.in Input File.

When this option is not selected, a user needs to create the phreeqc.in input file outside of the HYDRUS GUI using either a text editor or one of the PHREEQC GUIs. The phreeqc.in input file must be placed in the project folder with other HYDRUS input files. If the phreeqc.in file is not created in the structured way (with specific identifiers; see Phreeqc.in Input File), it is not possible to read this file using the HYDRUS GUI.

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