HP2 Definitions

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Five page list give access to specific parts of the structured phreeqc.in file (see Phreeqc.in Input File) using a text editor and the PHREEQC keywords, identifiers and BASIC statements. For example, the text editor for the Additions to Thermodynamic Database looks as follows:

Using these HYDRUS GUI text editors, the user can define the complete geochemical model without accessing the phreeqc.in file by another text editor or GUI for PHREEQC.

Four types of HP2 Definitions are available:

However, the use of the keywords is not restricted to the suggestions given above. The same flexibility as in standard PHREEQC input files can be used by advanced PHREEQC users, as long as the logics of the structured phreeqc.in input file is followed (see the section on the Phreeqc.in Input File).

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