HYDRUS Installation Directories

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To be compatible with a new security component of Windows Vista called User Account Control (UAC) it was necessary to separate Program Files that can be altered only by an administrator from Data Files (user projects, user settings, etc) that can be altered by all users. This file separation is carried out already during the installation of the program. The Program Files are by default (under Windows Vista) installed into the folder C:\Program Files\PC-Progress\HYDRUS 3.xx, while the Data Files into the folder C:\Users\Public\Documents\PC-Progress\HYDRUS 3.xx. These two paths can be different depending on the Windows version (WinXP, Win2000,…) and the Windows language version.

Users can modify these paths, considering accessibility rules of UAC. Both paths can be modified in the dialog window called using the command Options -> Program Options -> Files and Directories.

A content of the Data Files folder:


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HYDRUS Installation and Authorization