How to Extend the Time-Variable Data File

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The GUI can handle only a limited number of time variable data records (around 15,000; depends on the problem). If a required number of data records is larger than this number, a user needs to extend the file manually. To extend the number of time variable data records one needs to do the following steps:

a) Enter the required number of data records in the Time Information dialog:

b) Use the “File->Export >Export Data for HYDRUS Solver in Text Format” command to export ASCI data:

c) Go to the working folder (the path can be seen in the Project Manager) with input data and modify the file as needed using, for example, MS Excel.

d) Input the modified file back into GUI using a command “File->Import->Import Input Data from *.IN files”.

e) Now the new time-variable data should be in the memory of GUI and you can execute the computational module as usual.