Scene and Viewing Commands

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We will use here the term ‘Scene” for the content of the View window. Four types of commands are available to change the display of the Scene in the View window.

a) Commands to define a required Display of the Scene.

Detailed information about particular commands is given in Section 8.4. In addition to those commands, it is always possible to adjust the Display of the Scene using the “mouse scroll wheel“ as follows:  

The above described operations are available not only during selection (on existing transport domain), but also when defining basic geometric objects. This allows users to adjust the View window as needed without interrupting the process of graphically defining objects of the transport domain.

b) Commands to define the Content of the Scene.

In every view one can independently specify what is to be displayed, e.g., a variable, the type of graph, or the numbering of objects. All possible options related to the Content of the Scene are located on the Navigator Bar of the View Tab (Section 8.2).

c) Displaying and/or hiding parts of complicated objects.

One often needs to display only some part of a complicated object while hiding the rest. For this purpose one can use commands related to Sections (i.e., parts of the computational domain or FE-Mesh). Detailed information is given in Chapter 8.1.8 on Sections.

d) Colors, fonts, and type of lines.

One can define colors, the style and thickness of lines, fonts for numbering, and other displaying options for almost all displayed/used objects. Separate default sets exist for the display for the screen and the printer. Users can create and save additional combinations of display options. Detailed information is provided in Chapter 7.1.1 on Display Options.