Slope Stability Module

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The add-on Slope Stability module is intended to be used mainly for stability checks of embankments, dams, earth cuts and anchored sheeting structures. The influence of water is modeled using the distribution of pore pressure, which is imported automatically from the HYDRUS results for specified times. Each time step of water distribution can be analyzed separately. The slip surface is considered as circular (and is evaluated using the Bishop, Fellenius/Petterson, Morgenstern-Price or the Spencer method).

The module can be activated in the Main Processes window and is only available in projects with 2D-General Domain Type. Once the module is active, related commands can be found in the main menu (Modules -> Slope Stability) or in the Navigator data tree (item Slope Stability).

Main features:

Additional Information on Slope Stability commands:

Input Parameters


Print Report

Detailed description is available in the separate help and/or User's manual of the Slope Stability module.