Slope Stability Module - Settings

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The global parameters for the Slope Stability module are set in this dialog window. These parameters are not specific for one particular project, but are the default parameters that are used in new projects dealing with slope stability. In addition to the default values ​​for the Safety Factor and the Influence of Water, it is also possible to edit here the Catalog of Soil Characteristics. The initial soil catalog is based on the Hydrus soil catalog (using the classification based on the USDA textural triangle). Users can change the names of materials and their parameters, and can also extend (or reduce) this catalog using New (or Delete) commands. They can also reorganize soil textures in the catalog using the commands Up and Down. Soil Characteristics as defined in this catalog can then be automatically assigned in new projects to materials taken from HYDRUS on the basis of matching their material names (see the check box Assign soil characteristics ...).

See detailed description in the separate help of the Slope Stability Module.