X-Y Graphs

Parent Previous Next

Additional commands on the right side of the graph:


Closes the dialog windows and returns to the main window of GUI


Launches online help for a given dialog window


Browses to the next graph of a particular graph sequence


Browses to the previous graph of a particular graph sequence


Exports data currently displayed in the x-y graph into an ASCII file

Export All

Exports data (even for variables currently not displayed) in the x-y graph into an ASCII file. This command is available only for Cross-Section and Mesh-Line graphs.


Prints the graph

Default Settings

Uses default settings for a displayed graph

Save Settings

Saves selected settings (thickness of lines, fonts, colors, etc) for a displayed graph into a file ....\Settings\ChartUser.vtc.

   The Following X-Y graphs are available:


Horizontal Axis

Vertical Axis

Observation Points


Pressure Head

Water Content


Concentration – x+

Sorbed Concentration - x+

Pressure Heads


Atmospheric Boundary Head

Root Zone Head

Variable Boundary Head 1

Constant Boundary Head

Seepage Face Head

Drainage Boundary Head

Free and Deep Drainage Boundary Head

Variable Boundary Head 2

Variable Boundary Head 3

Variable Boundary Head 4

All Boundaries

Water Boundary Fluxes


Potential Atmospheric Flux

Potential Root Water Uptake Rate

Actual Atmospheric Flux

Actual Root Water Uptake Rate

Variable Boundary Flux 1

Constant Boundary Flux

Seepage Face Flux

Drainage Boundary Flux

Free and Deep Drainage Boundary Flux

Variable Boundary Flux 2

Variable Boundary Flux 3

Variable Boundary Flux 4

All Atmospheric Fluxes

All non-Atmospheric Fluxes

Surface Runoff



Cumulative Water Boundary Fluxes


Potential Atmospheric Flux

Potential Root Water Uptake Rate

Actual Atmospheric Flux

Actual Root Water Uptake Rate

Variable Boundary Flux 1

Constant Boundary Flux

Seepage Face Flux

Drainage Boundary Flux

Free and Deep Drainage Boundary Flux

Variable Boundary Flux 2

Variable Boundary Flux 3

Variable Boundary Flux 4

All Boundaries Fluxes

Surface Runoff



Solute Fluxes+


Cumulative Zero-Order Reaction

Cumulative First-Order Reaction

Cumulative Root Solute Uptake

Cumulative Non-Equil. Mass Transfer

Cumulative Constant Boundary Solute Flux

Cumulative Seepage Face Solute Flux

Cumulative Variable Boundary 1 Solute Flux

Cumulative Atmospheric Solute Flux

Cumulative Drain Boundary Solute Flux

Cum. Free/Deep Drainage Bound. Solute FluxCumulative Variable Boundary 2 Solute Flux

Cumulative Variable Boundary 3 Solute Flux

Cumulative Variable Boundary 4 Solute Flux

Constant Boundary Flux

Seepage Face Flux

Variable Boundary Flux 1

Actual Atmospheric Flux

Drain Boundary Flux

Free and Deep Drainage Boundary Flux

Variable Boundary Flux 2

Variable Boundary Flux 3

Variable Boundary Flux 4

All Solute Cumulative Fluxes

All Solute Fluxes

Soil Hydraulic Properties

Pressure Head

Log Pressure Head

Water Content

Water Content

Soil Water Capacity

Hydraulic Conductivity

Log Hydraulic Conductivity

Effective Water Content

Pressure Head

Log Pressure Head

Run-Time Information

Time Step


Time Level        

Number of Iterations

Cumulative Number of Iterations

Peclet Number

Courant Number

Number of Solute Iterations

+ This graph is given for each solute

Two list boxes at the top of the x-y graph dialog window provide various combinations of graphs that are possible to display (Table 11 of the User Manual). Browsing through various graphs is additionally also enabled using the Previous and Next command. Double-clicking at various objects of the x-y graph (e.g., axis, title, captions, legend) will allow users to redefine them, i.e., to change their text, colors, or fonts. When the right mouse button is clicked above the graph a pop-up menu will appear that will also allow users to redefine various objects of the x-y graph. One can for example change the text of both vertical and horizontal axis (Axis->Title) captions and titles (Title), their fonts, and colors, one can copy the content of the graph to the clipboard (Copy) for later paste in various other windows applications (e.g., MS Word, PowerPoint, or Excel), or one can change the thickness and colors of displayed lines. Many other modifications of the displayed x-y graph are possible. Data displayed in the x-y graph can be exported into an ASCII file using the Export command. The x-y graph settings can be saved using the Save command.

The x-y graphs have only a limited capacity and can display at most 6,000 data points and 20 lines. If a dataset to be displayed has more data points then allowed, then automatic selection is made by the program (only each n data point is displayed) and a warning (File is too big to be displayed entirely! Automatic selection has been made.) is issued. If the number of observation nodes is larger than 20, only the first 20 observation nodes are displayed.