Output Files

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The HYDRUS output consists of output files organized into 3 groups:

T-level information







P-level information









A-level information


In addition, some of the input data are printed to filea CHECK.OUT and FIT.OUT. Separate output files SOLUTEx.OUT, CONCx.OUT and SORBx.OUT are created for each solute. The various output files are described in detail below. The file CHECK.OUT summarizes the most important input variables, including the hydraulic and transport properties of each soil material. Results of the inverse solution are written to an output file FIT.OUT. All output files are directed to the same directory as the input files, and must be created by the user prior to program execution (the directory is created automatically if the user interface is used).

T-level information

This group of output files contains information, which is printed at the end of each time step (or after n type steps). Printing can be suppressed using commands in the Output Information Dialog Window. Output file OBSNOD.OUT brings the information about the time change of the pressure head, water content, temperature, and solution and sorbed concentrations, in specified observation nodes.

P-level information

P-level information is printed only at prescribed print times. The following output files are printed at the P-level:


Nodal values of the pressure head


Nodal values of the water content


Nodal values of the solution concentrations


Nodal values of the nonequlibrium concentrations


Nodal values of the temperature


Nodal values of the x- and y-components of the Darcian flux vector


This file contains information about each boundary node, n, for which Kode(n) ≠ 0, including the discharge/recharge rate, Q(n), the boundary flux, q(n), the pressure head h(n), the water content θ(n), the temperature Temp(n), and the concentration Conc(ns , n). The Length (Area) associated with each boundary type is printed at the beginning of the Boundary.out file.


This file gives the total amount of water, heat and solute inside each specified subregion, the inflow/outflow rates to/from that subregion, together with the mean pressure head (hMean), mean temperature (TMean) and the mean concentration (cMean) over each subregion. Absolute and relative errors in the water and solute mass balances are also printed to this file.

The output files H.OUT, TH.OUT, CONCx.OUT, SORBx.OUT, TEMP.OUT, and V.OUT provide binary output of the specific variables. The user interface can Convert these binary files into the ASCII files H.TXT, TH.TXT, CONCx.TXT, SORBx.TXT, TEMP.TXT, and V.TXT.

A-level information - A-level information is printed each time a time-dependent boundary condition is specified. The information is directed to output file A_LEVEL.OUT.

Detailed description of all output files is in the Technical Manual, which can be displayed using the menu command Help->Hydrus Technical Manual.