DREAM Suite project data is stored in the main project file and a directory containing other files and subdirectories. Project directory name is derived from the project name by adding Drm_ prefix (see Figure 5.1.1. "Project file and directory"). This means that, if you are copying of deleting a project, you must copy/delete both - the file and the directory. The main project file (*.drm) and simulation files (so called "case files" - *.drs) are text files with a very simple format and can be easily edited using Notepad or another text editor.
Figure 5.1.1. Project File and Directory.
Project Directory
- Drm_Examle01 - project directory of project "Example01"
- Model - directory for model-specific files
- Bin - external executable files (see Example07)
- Data - static model data, such as measurement data, etc. (see Example07)
- Info - contains file ProjectInfo.htm with detailed description of the project
- Plugin - directory for plugin files
- Bin - contains the plugin 32-bit dynamic library
- Bin_x64 - contains the plugin 64-bit dynamic library
- Src_Cpp - contains plugin C/C++ source code (Visual Studio project and plugin source code)
- Src_Matlab - contains MATLAB *.m files if the plugin type is MATLAB COM or MATLAB Engine
- Src_Python - contains Python files if the plugin type is Python (not available in the current version)
- Simulations - directory for simulations. Each simulation has its data in a file and a special directory
- Case1.drs - so called "Case File" with input data of simulation "Case1"
- Case1 - so called "Case Directory" for output files of simulation "Case1"
- CaseX.drs - file with input data of simulation "CaseX"
- CaseX - directory for output files of simulation "CaseX". Files can be in text format (*.txt) or binary format (*.bin) according to the selected option "Save results in binary format"
- DREAM_Out_AR.txt (*.bin) - Evolution of acceptance rate.
- DREAM_Out_AutoCorrN.txt (*.bin) - Autocorrelation of sampled parameters.
- DREAM_Out_BetweenChainDiagnostic_Rstat.txt (*.bin) - Between-chain diagnostic with R-statistics. Optional - see "Save between-chain diagnostic".
- DREAM_Out_BetweenChainDiagnostic_MRstat.txt (*.bin) - Between-chain diagnostic with MR-statistics. Optional - see "Save between-chain diagnostic".
- DREAM_Out_Corr.txt (*.bin) - d-dimensional parameter correlation matrix.
- DREAM_Out_CR.txt (*.bin) - Evolution of crossover selection probabilities.
- DREAM_Out_Diagnostic.txt - Coda diagnostic of each chain. Optional - see "Save within-chain diagnostic". This file is always in text format.
- DREAM_Out_FxSN.txt (*.bin) - calibration data of measurements or ABC - summary metrics data. Optional - see "Save model simulations".
- DREAM_Out_HistsMargDensitiesN.txt (*.bin) - Data for histograms of marginal densities for each chain.
- DREAM_Out_HistsSummaryStatisticsN.txt (*.bin) - Data for histograms of summary statistics for each chain. Files are exported only for likelihood 21, 22 and 23.
- DREAM_Out_ChainN.txt (*.bin) - Markov chains. Optional - see "Save Markov chains".
- DREAM_Out_ChainCovergenceN.txt (*.bin) - Convergence of individual chains to target distribution.
- DREAM_Out_ChainSizes.txt (*.bin) - Sizes of Markov chains. Optional - see "Save Markov chains".
- DREAM_Out_LogObs.txt - Calculation observer log file with information about the calculation progress. This file is always in text format.
- DREAM_Out_LogLikelihoodData.txt - Statistic likelihood data
- DREAM_Out_LogPriorData.txt - Statistic prior data. Available only if prior is used
- DREAM_Out_Map.txt (*.bin) - The maximum aposteriori parameter values.
- DREAM_Out_MargDensitiesN.txt (*.bin) - Marginal densities of each parameter.
- DREAM_Out_Mean.txt (*.bin) - The mean posterior value of each parameter.
- DREAM_Out_Median.txt (*.bin) - The median posterior values of each parameter.
- DREAM_Out_MRstat.txt (*.bin) - Multivariate convergence of sampled chains.
- DREAM_Out_ParSet.txt (*.bin) - Single matrix with values sampled by chains. Optional - see "Save ParSet".
- DREAM_Out_Rstat.txt (*.bin) - Univariate convergence of sampled chains.
- DREAM_Out_SN.txt (*.bin) - Summary metrics in each generation. Optional - see "Save summary statistics".
- DREAM_Out_Std.txt (*.bin) - The posterior standard deviation of the parameters.
- DREAM_Out_SummaryMeasurementsData.txt (*.bin) - Input measurement data
- Temp - temporary directory. Contains a working copy of the Simulations directory while the project is open and its content is deleted when closing the project. Case directories may contain additional subdirectores named 1,2,3,...,N that are created during parallel calculation and their names 1,...,N correspond to the number of calculation threads (cores).