Activation Online

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Remark: information on this page is only intended for Software Lock  authorization.

Online activation is the fastest and most convenient way to activate HYDRUS. The Online Activation window (below) appears after clicking on the Activate on-line button on the HYDRUS Activation Status window. Here you need to enter information about the License Number and the appropriate Activation Key that you received together with an invoice from the HYDRUS Customer Support. This Activation Key is used for all Workplaces of a particular license. For special purposes, different Activation Keys can be generated for individual Workplaces (e.g., when a particular Workplace has an authorization for a different HYDRUS Level or a specific HYDRUS module).

In the section Specify the required authorization level select the required HYDRUS Level to Activate (i.e., 2D-Lite, 2D-Standard, 3D-Lite, 3D-Standard, or 3D-Professional; please note that this Level has to correspond with the purchased Level) and the Type of License to activate (e.g., Time-Limited Authorization with the Expiration Date, or the Network Installation with the Number of Clients). If no check box is selected, a Time-Unlimited Single User License is authorized. With regard to a possible loss of authorization due to failure of hardware, it is recommended to choose a shorter period of validity (default is 0.5 years). An item Computer Description serves for the future identification of a particular computer in the electronic licensing system and is usually characterized by a user or its location (e.g., John - Laptop, Harry - Lab 001).

After clicking on the Activate Now button, you will be asked to confirm all specified parameters (below) (note that you may be prompted by your firewall to allow communication between your computer and the license server of PC Progress). At this point, all specified information will be verified against the data of our electronic licensing system and if confirmed the actual activation of HYDRUS will occur. This communication applies only to data entered in the Online Activation window, and no other information stored on your PC is transferred. In case of unsuccessful activation, an error message is displayed explaining the problem. After correcting the problem, you can use again the Activate Now command.

Prior to the expiration (Expiry Day) of the Time-Limited Authorization, user will be alerted about it, and the license can be easily repeatedly extended using the Extend Activation function.

Other related topics:

Brief Description of HYDRUS Activation

Activation by E-mail

Deactivation Online

Deactivation by Email

Reinstallation, Moving to Another Computer

Network installation of HYDRUS

HYDRUS Installation Directories

Hardware Key (HASP)