Activation of HYDRUS

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Detailed Description of HYDRUS Activation (using a Software Lock)

The HYDRUS Authorization Status dialog window displays information about Authorization Status, Last Activation, and License Information, such as License Number, Computer ID, Workplace, and License Owner. Authorization Status information includes information about

  1. Status, which can be either Not Authorized or Authorization OK,
  2. Level of authorization, which can be either 2D-Lite, 2D-Standard, 3D-Lite, 3D-Standard, or 3D-Professional,
  3. whether or not the Authorization is Time-Limited (if yes, then the Expiration Time is given), and
  4. whether or not the Network Installation is active (if yes, then the Number of Clients is given)

All this information is displayed as read-only text that is filled in during the first activation of the software. The button “Export Authorization Report” is used when resolving problems with software activation.

For the commands in this dialog window to be active (e.g., Activate by E-mail or Activate on-line), HYDRUS needs to be run with administrator privileges. That means, that you need to be logged as an Administrator (or as a user belonging to "Administrators" group) when making changes to the authorization. To run HYDRUS as administrator under Windows Vista or Windows 7 (and later) operating systems, click on the HYDRUS icon on your desktop using the right mouse button and select "Run as Administrator" from the popup menu. Warning displayed below is issued when attempting to make changes to the Authorization Status while not running HYDRUS with administrator privileges.

Commands Activate by E-mail and Activate on-line are disabled when HYDRUS is activated.

Commands Deactivate by E-mail and Deactivate on-line are disabled when HYDRUS is not activated.

Commands Activate by E-mail, Activate on-line, Deactivate by E-mail and Deactivate on-line are described in details in their particular topics.

The second Tab of the HYDRUS Authorization Status window, i.e., the Add-in Modules Tab list additional HYDRUS modules (e.g., Unsatchem, Wetland, DualPerm, C-Ride, or HP2) that are currently available and activated. At the top of the Tab, there is an indication, which Authorization Method (either of Software Key or a Hardware Key) is used.

The third Tab of the HYDRUS Authorization Status window, i.e., the History of Activation Tab reports recent actions related to HYDRUS activation.

Prior to the expiration (Expiry Day) of the Time-Limited Authorization, user will be alerted about it, and the license can be easily repeatedly extended using the Extend Activation function.

Other related topics:

Brief Description of HYDRUS Activation

Activation Online

Activation by E-mail

Deactivation Online

Deactivation by Email

Reinstallation, Moving to Another Computer

Network installation of HYDRUS

HYDRUS Installation Directories

Hardware Key (HASP)