Alternative Variables

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Alternative Variables that can be displayed in the View Window. The selection, which variable is displayed, is made on the View Tab of the Navigator Bar.



Pressure Head

Total Pressure Head

Standard display

Total Pressure Head H (=h+z) [L]; an alternative display

Water Content

Mobile Water Content

Immobile Water Content

Total Water Content

Standard display

Water content in the mobile phase θ or θm [-]; a default display

Water content in the immobile phase θim [-]; displayed when a dual-porosity model is used.

Total water content θ (=θm+θim); displayed when a dual-porosity model is used.


Total Value




Standard display

Darcy's flux [LT-1]; a default display

x-component of the Darcy's flux q [LT-1]

y-component of the Darcy's flux q [LT-1]

z-component of the Darcy's flux q [LT-1]

Concentration Options

Liquid Equil. Phase Conc.

Sorbed Equilibrium Conc.

Sorbed Total Concentration

Gas Phase Concentration

Total Concentration

Liquid phase concentration c [McLw-3]; a default display.

Concentration of instantaneously sorbed solute, se [McMs-1]

Sorbed concentration, s= se + sk [McMs-1]

Gas phase concentration, g (=KHc) [McLa-3]

Total concentration mass, S [McLs-3]

Sorbed Concentration Options

Sorption Sites 1

Sorption Sites 2

Total Sorbed Conc.

Sorbed concentration on first kinetic sorption sites, s1k [McMs-1]

Sorbed concentration on second kinetic sorption sites, s2k [McMs-1]

Total sorbed concentration, sk = s1k + s2k [McMs-1]

Definition of various concentration modes (for linear sorption model).

a        air content [La3Ls-3]

c        liquid phase concentration [McLw-3]

cm        liquid phase concentration in the mobile phase [McLw-3]

cim        liquid phase concentration in the immobile phase [McLw-3]

θ        water content [Lw3Ls-3]

θm        water content in the mobile phase [Lw3Ls-3]

θim        water content in the immobile phase [Lw3Ls-3]

KD        distribution (sorption) coefficient [Lw3Ms-1]

KH        Henry's law constant [-]

Sl        solute mass in the liquid phase [McLs-3]

Ss        solute mass in the solid phase [McLs-3]

Sg        solute mass in the gas phase [McLs-3]

S        total concentration (solute mass), S=Sl+Ss+Sg [McLs-3]

s        solid phase concentration [McMs-1]

sk        solid phase concentration on kinetic sorption sites [McMs-1]

s1k        solid phase concentration on first kinetic sorption sites [McMs-1]