Format of the MeshTria.txt

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Format of the file MESHTRIA.TXT for the 2D-Standard and 2D-Lite versions is described below:

Row 1 : nP, nE, nT, iDummy


nP is the number of mesh points

nE is the number of mesh edges

nT is the number of mesh triangles

Next nP rows : Index, rX, rY, rDummy, iDummy - Nodal information


Index is the nodal number

rX is the x-coordinate of the Index-th mesh node

rY is the y-coordinate of the Index-th mesh node

Next 1 row : empty line

Next nE rows : Index, iEpb, iEpe, iEpl, iEpr, iEtl, iEtr, iDummy - Edge information


Index is the edge number

iEpb is the number of the beginning node of the edge

iEpe is the number of the ending node of the edge

iEpl is the number of the left opposite node (when going from iEpb to iEpe)

iEpr is the number of the right opposite node (when going from iEpb to iEpe)

iEtl is the number of the left triangle (when going from iEpb to iEpe)

iEtr is the number of the right triangle (when going from iEpb to iEpe)

Next 1 row : empty line

Next nT rows : Index, iT1, iT2, iT3 - Triangle information


Index is the triangle number

iT1 is the nodal number of the 1-st triangle's vertex

iT2 is the nodal number of the 2-nd triangle's vertex

iT3 is the nodal number of the 3-rd triangle's vertex

The format for the 3D Lite and 3D Standard version is as follows:

Row 1: A required indicator of the version of the file: PCP_File_version=1

Row 2: Empty. GUI generates text: " *** BLOCK H: NODAL INFORMATION ******"

Row 3: Empty. GUI generates text: " General Mesh"

Row 4: = 0 for a Lite mesh for a Hexahedral (parametric) Geometries.

= 1 for a Standard mesh generated using MeshGen with the doman base discretized using triangles

For 3D-Standard:

Row 5: Empty. GUI generates text: " NumNP NumEl"

Row 6: NumNP (Number of FE Nodes), NumEl (Number of finite elements, e.g., tetrahedral)

For 3D-Lite:

Row 5: Empty. GUI generates text: " NumNP NumEl IJ nNx nNy nNz"

Row 6: NumNP - Number of FE Nodes

NumEl - Number of finite elements, e.g., tetrahedral

IJ - Number of nodes on the base of the hexahedral domain

nNx -Number of nodes in the x-direction of the hexahedral domain.

nNy - Number of nodes in the y-direction of the hexahedral domain.

nNz - Number of nodes in the z-direction of the hexahedral domain.

Row 7: Empty. GUI generates text:" n x y z"

Row 8 to 8+NumNP: Index, X, Y, Z (node number and its coordinates)

Row 9: Empty. GUI generates text: " *** BLOCK I: ELEMENT INFORMATION ******"

Row 10: Empty. GUI generates text: " e i j k l m n o p Sub"

Row 11 to 11+NumEl:

e - Tetrahedral element number.

KX(e,1) - Global nodal number of the first corner node i.

KX(e,2) - Global nodal number of the second corner node j.

KX(e,3) - Global nodal number of the third corner node k.

KX(e,4) - Global nodal number of the forth corner node l.

KX(e,5) - Global nodal number of the fifth corner node m.

KX(e,6) - Global nodal number of the sixth corner node n.

KX(e,7) - Global nodal number of the seventh corner node o.

KX(e,8) - Global nodal number of the eighth corner node p.

Indices i, j, k, l, m, n, o and p, refer to the corner nodes of an element e taken in a certain orientation as described in Section 6.1 of the Technical manual. KX(e,5) for tetrahedral and KX(e,7) for triangular prismatic elements must be equal to zero.

KX(e,9) -Code specifying the subdivision of hexahedral and triangular prismatic elements into tetrahedrals (See Chapter 6.1 and Figure 6.1 of the Technical Manual).