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The File Menu offers the following commands:



Brief Description


Creates a new project.


Opens an existing project (represented by the project_name.h3d3 file).


Closes an open project.


Saves the input data of the current project specified in the main program module if the data were either newly created or changed during an application run.

Save As

Saves the input data of the current project open in the main program module under a new project name.

Save All

Saves the input data of all currently open projects specified in the main program module.

Project Information

Displays information about the current project.

Project Manager

Calls the project manager to manage data of existing projects; helps to locate, open, copy, delete or rename the desired projects and their data.


Imports projects, data, geometry, etc.

Import HYDRUS-2D Project

Import Data from another HYDRUS project

Import Input Data From *.in Files

Import Quantity defined by values at Scattered Points

Import Points from a Text File

Import Geometry From a Text File

Import Geometry from DXF file

Import Geometry from ESRI Shapefile

Import Data from ParSWMS


Exports projects, data, geometry, etc.

Export Data for HYDRUS Solver

Export Geometry to a Text File

Export Selected Geometrical Objects

Export FE-Mesh

Export Current Quantity

Export Isolines

Export Data to ParaView

Export Data to ParSWMS

Print (Ctrl+P)

Prints the content of the View Window.

Print Preview

Previews before printing the content of the View Window

Print to Clipboard

Copies the content displayed in the View Window to a metafile in the clipboard.

Print Options

Selects various printing options.

Print Setup

Selects a printer and a printer connection.


Exits the HYDRUS application.


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