Import data from another HYDRUS project

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Various domain properties, Initial Conditions and Boundary Conditions can be imported from another HYDRUS project using the Import command (File->Import->Import Input Data from another HYDRUS Project). After clicking on this command, an Open dialog window appears with Files of type preselected for HYDRUS applications (i.e.,*.h3d3). One then needs to browse for the HYDRUS project from which selected variables can be imported. After selecting a particular project, the Import Selected Quantities dialog window appears. This window provides information from which project selected variables will be imported (Import data from HYDRUS project) and offers quantities that can be imported (Select quantities to import). Select All or Unselect All commands can be used to make a selection.

Warning: Import of selected quantities from another HYDRUS project can be done only from a project that has a similar geometry and FE-Mesh discretization as the actual project! Geometry cannot be significantly different! Users need to carefully check results of the import if Geometries or FE mesh are different.

See also Import Initial Conditions.

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