Mesh Line Graphically

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Mesh-Lines are very similar to Cross-Sections, except that Mesh-Lines follow edges of the finite elements and do not have to be straight. They are used, similarly to Cross-Sections, to display selected variables along defined Mesh-Lines. Similarly to Cross-Sections, the locations of Mesh-Lines are saved and can be recalled at any time.

A description of the Mesh-Line is given in the Mesh-Line dialog window, which contains the Mesh-Line number, its description, a list of nodes defining the Mesh-Line, and whether or not the computational module should calculate (actual and cumulative) water and (convective) solute fluxes across this Mesh-Line. The fluxes across the Mesh-Line are then displayed using the Fluxes across Mesh-Lines dialog window after using the Results->Fluxes across Mesh-Lines command. This dialog displays actual and cumulative, water and solute fluxes across individual Mesh-Lines.

Mesh-Lines can be defined either graphically or numerically.