Project Manager - Projects Tab

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The Project Manager dialog has two tabs: one for Projects and one for Project Groups.

The Project Manager displays a Name and a brief Description of a Project, dimensions for a particular problem (Type: dimensions are either 2D or 3D, and the Type of Geometry is either Simple (S), Layered (L), or General (G)), what Processes are involved (W – water flow, S – solute transport, T – heat transport, R – root water uptake, Inv – Inverse problem), when the project was created (Date) and whether or not the Results exist. The Project Manager can also display a preview of the Project’s geometry (see the check box Show Project Preview).

Commands in the Project Manager on the Projects Tab:






Creates a new project in the current Project Group.


Copies a selected project within the current Project Group.


Renames a selected project.


Deletes a selected project.


Opens a selected project.


Closes the Project Manager.


Converts projects created by earlier HYDRUS versions (i.e., either HYDRUS-2D or version 1.0 of HYDRUS (2D/3D)).


Calculates selected HYDRUS projects. This command allows users to calculate multiple selected projects simultaneously.

The commands New and Rename from the Projects Tab of the Project Manager dialog window call the General Data dialog window, which contains the Name and Description of the project, as well as information about the Project Group (name, description, and pathway) to which the project belongs. It also contains information whether or not the input and output data are kept permanently in an external directory (the check box Keep results and temporary files in external directory).

See also the Project Groups Tab of the Project Manager.