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To define the correspondence between an element and aqueous primary and secondarymaster species. In general, SOLUTION_MASTER_SPECIES is used in the file with the thermodynamic database, but additional information can be stored in the input file A specific block is available in the HYDRUS-1D GUI to provide additional thermodynamic data (Solute Transport – HP2 Definition: Additions to Thermodynamic Database).


element name, master species, alkalinity, (gram formula weight or formula), gram formula weight element


element name

An element name or element name followed by a valence  in parentheses. The element name must begin with a capital letter, followed by zero or more lower case letters or underscores.

master species

The master species of the element including its charge. PHREEQC defines:

         primary master species: element names does not contain a valence state.

         secondary master species: element names contains a valence state.

Note that the master species must be defined as a solution species in the SOLUTION_SPECIES keyword.


Alkalinity contribution of the master species.

gram formula weight

Value to convert input in mass units to mole units (see -units).


 Chemical formula used to calculate the gram formula weight. Gram formula weight and formula are mutually exclusive.


gram formula weight for element

The gram formula weight for the pure element, not for an aqueous species. It is required for primary master species.


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