Sort Property Objects

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The sequence of Properties (Materials, as well as other objects, such as Initial Conditions) can be reordered or sorted using the Sort Properties (e.g., Materials) command on the Edit Bar and the Sort Property Objects dialog window. In this dialog, the order of materials can be sorted using the Top, Up, Down, and Bottom command. While the sequence of Properties can be sorted, colors representing the first, second, and other materials will remain the same.

Sorting can be done in two modes. When the Auto-apply check box is checked, any change done in the Sort Property Object window is immediately transferred to the transport domain and to the rest of the program. When this checkbox is unchecked, changes made in this dialog are transferred to the rest of the program only after the window is closed using the OK button.

The command Renumber All can be used to renumber the Property Objects. This is useful, when some previously defined Properties were deleted and the numbering is no longer sequential.

More information about How to Define Properties on Geometrical Objects.

More information about How to Define Properties on Geometrical Objects.