Boundary Conditions on Geo Objects

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New Property Objects for Boundary Conditions must be selected from existing boundary conditions used in HYDRUS. For example, for Water Flow Boundary Conditions, new Objects are selected from the list box Boundary Condition Type displayed in Figure below. Similarly as for other Properties, in this dialog one can define Name, Color, register a Remark, assigned Boundary Condition at selected Boundary Curves, and, if needed, specify required parameters (e.g., for Deep Drainage BC).


When the same pressure head initial (or boundary) condition involving either "Equilibrium from the lowest located point" or "A linear distribution" is chosen for multiple surfaces (or curves), then this condition is applied globally to all selected surfaces (e.g., a single point with the lowest z-coordinate is found for all selected surfaces).

The default solute and heat transport boundary conditions are the Third-Type BCs, which are listed right after the No Flux BC. This BC is by default assigned to all boundaries, to which water flow BCs have been defined. Note that if you redefine this BC (e.g., change the Third-Type BC into the First-Type BC), the newly defined BC will be used as a default BC for solute and/or heat transport.

More information about How to Define Properties on Geometrical Objects.