Boundary Cumulative Water Fluxes

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Graphs showing distributions versus time of cumulative water fluxes across boundaries having different types of boundary conditions.

Available choices for the independent variable: 

Potential Atmospheric flux

A potential flux across the atmospheric boundary; a combination of precipitation, irrigation, or potential evaporation fluxes, potential atmospheric flux = potential evaporation - precipitation

Potential root water uptake

Potential transpiration

Actual Atmospheric flux

An actual flux across the atmospheric boundary; infiltration (negative) or actual evaporation (positive)

Actual root water uptake

Actual transpiration

Variable boundary flux

This information is provided for all four time-variable pressure head/flux boundaries. Note that HYDRUS  adds cumulative fluxes across the "Time-Variable Flux 1" and "Time-Variable Head 1" boundaries and reports the resulting value as "Variable Boundary Flux 1". Similarly for "Time-Variable Flux 2" and "Time-Variable Head 2", and so on.

Constant boundary flux

HYDRUS adds cumulative fluxes across both Constant Head and Constant Flux boundaries.

Seepage face flux


Drain boundary flux


Free or Deep drainage boundary flux


Gradient boundary flux

All boundaries

Displays all fluxes

Surface Runoff

Actual surface runoff (difference between precipitation/irrigation and actual infiltration)


Actual evaporation


Actual infiltration


All fluxes are positive out of the domain (except for Infiltration - a variable not displayed in the graph, but listed in the output file CumQ.out).

Units are [L2] for two dimensional applications and [L3] for three dimensional applications.

Use the list box to select the independent variable to be displayed.

See the X-Y Graph topic for more information on this graph.

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