Graphs showing distributions versus time of cumulative water fluxes across boundaries having different types of boundary conditions.
Available choices for the independent variable:
Potential Atmospheric flux |
A potential flux across the atmospheric boundary; a combination of precipitation, irrigation, or potential evaporation fluxes, potential atmospheric flux = potential evaporation - precipitation |
Potential root water uptake |
Potential transpiration |
Actual Atmospheric flux |
An actual flux across the atmospheric boundary; infiltration (negative) or actual evaporation (positive) |
Actual root water uptake |
Actual transpiration |
Variable boundary flux |
This information is provided for all four time-variable pressure head/flux boundaries. Note that HYDRUS adds cumulative fluxes across the "Time-Variable Flux 1" and "Time-Variable Head 1" boundaries and reports the resulting value as "Variable Boundary Flux 1". Similarly for "Time-Variable Flux 2" and "Time-Variable Head 2", and so on. |
Constant boundary flux |
HYDRUS adds cumulative fluxes across both Constant Head and Constant Flux boundaries. |
Seepage face flux |
Drain boundary flux |
Gradient boundary flux |
All boundaries |
Displays all fluxes |
Surface Runoff |
Actual surface runoff (difference between precipitation/irrigation and actual infiltration) |
Evaporation |
Actual evaporation |
Infiltration |
Actual infiltration |
All fluxes are positive out of the domain (except for Infiltration - a variable not displayed in the graph, but listed in the output file CumQ.out).
Units are [L2] for two dimensional applications and [L3] for three dimensional applications.
Use the list box to select the independent variable to be displayed.
See the X-Y Graph topic for more information on this graph.
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