Convert Output Binary Files to ASCII

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Use this command to convert the binary output files H.OUT (pressure heads), TH.OUT (water contents), V.OUT (velocities), TEMP.OUT (temperature), and CONC.OUT (concentration) into the ASCII files H.TXT, TH.TXT, V.TXT, TEMP.TXT and CONC.TXT. When the finite element mesh is internally generated, then the binary file MESTHTRIA.000 is converted into the ASCII file MESHTRIA.TXT.

The ASCII (text) files (e.g., h.txt, th.txt, v.txt) simply provide Print Time followed by a sequential list of values of a particular variable. These values are listed in the same order as Finite Element nodes. Coordinates for each FE node can be found in the MeshTria.txt file.

Format of the MeshTria.txt file.