Generate FE-Mesh

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Generation of the Unstructured Triangular Mesh

The unstructured triangular mesh for a given boundary nodal distribution can be generated in two different ways: a step-by-step approach, or by using automatic mesh generation. The step-by-step approach should be used only for special cases, and then only by an experienced user. Automatic generation (recommended option) is a much faster and easier approach. The mesh generation parameters can be specified before the mesh generation process is started. By modifying the mesh generation parameters, users can influence the smoothness of the mesh, its anisotropy, computational time, and the possible display of intermediate results, among other features. When closed internal curves exist, it is necessary to specify which curve represents an internal hole (opening) and which is an internal curve.

When step-by-step generation is selected, then at first the so called Fundamental Triangulation has to be performed. The result of this operation is a domain covered by triangles with vertices at the given boundary nodes. Further remeshing is accomplished by the following four operations:

which are mostly performed in the sequence 1,2,4,2,3 (however this sequence is quite arbitrary) until no new points are added during the Mesh Refinement step