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The Edit Menu offers the following commands:


Brief Description


Reverses the last edit action.


Repeats the last edit action.


Copies selected object(s)


Pastes selected object(s).


Offers commands for selecting various objects

       Select by Rhomboid

       Select by Circle

       Select by Polygon

       Add to Selection

       Remove from Selection

       Standard Selection Mode


Edits properties of selected object(s)


Finds an object


Deletes object(s)

Delete All

Deletes all objects

Domain Geometry

Offers commands to edit the geometry and its objects

       Domain Type and Units

       Simple Domain

       3D-Layered Domain

       Delete 3D-Layered Domain

       Edit Points

       Edit Lines

       Edit Surfaces

       Edit Openings

       Edit Thickness Vectors

       Edit Solids

Flow and Transport Parameters

Offers commands to edit flow and transport parameters

General Parameters

       Main Processes

       Inverse Solution

       Time Information

       Output Information

       HP2 Print Information

Water Flow Parameters

       Iteration Criteria

       Soil Hydraulic Models

       Soil Hydraulic Parameters


Solute Transport Parameters

       Solute Transport General Information

       Solute Transport Parameters

       Solute Reaction Parameters

       Temperature Dependence

       Water Content Dependence

       HP2 Components

       HP2 Definitions

       Solution Compositions

       Chemical Parameters

       Wetlands Parameters I

       Wetlands Parameters II

       Fumigant Applications

Heat Transport Parameters

Root Water Uptake Parameters

       Root Water Uptake Models

       Pressure Head Reduction

       Osmotic Head Reduction

       Root Distribution Parameters

       Root Growth

Time-Variable Boundary Conditions

Data for Inverse Solution


Offers commands to edit parameters for the FE-Mesh generators

       FE-Mesh Generator

       FE-Mesh Parameters

       Generate FE-Mesh

       FE-Mesh Statistic

       Delete FE-Mesh

       Insert Mesh Refinement

       Insert Mesh Stretching

       Delete All Mesh Refinement

       Delete All Mesh Stretching

       Remove Selected Finite Elements

       Select Mesh Nodes

       Select Mesh Elements

Advanced FE-Mesh Generation

       Fundamental Triangulation

       Mesh Refinement

       Homogeneous Triangulation

       Check of Convexity

       Mesh Smoothing

Domain Properties

Offers commands to edit Domain Properties

       Material Distribution

       Root Distribution

       Nodal Recharge

Scaling Factors

       Hydraulic Conductivity

       Pressure Head

       Water Content

Local Anisotropy


       First Component

       Second Component


       Table of Anisotropy Tensors


Observation Nodes



       Delete All




       Delete All Drains

       Drain Parameters

Flowing Particles



       Delete All

Stochastic Distribution of SF

Subregions = Material Distributions

Nonequilibrium Conc = a * Equil. Conc.

Parameters for Root Distribution

Delete All Domain Properties

Default Domain Properties

Initial Conditions

Offers commands to edit Initial Conditions

       Water Flow (Pressure Heads/Water Contents)

       Heat Transport (Temperature)

       Solute Transport (Concentrations)

       Solute Transport (Nonequilibrium Concentrations)

       Solute Transport (Adsorbed Concentrations)

       Concentrations for the Wetland Module

       Adsorbed Concentrations for the Wetland Module

       Import Initial Conditions

       Dynamic Properties on MESH

       Delete All Initial Conditions

Boundary Conditions

Offers commands to edit Boundary Conditions

       Water Flow

       Solute Transport

       Heat Transport

       Boundary Condition Options

       Boundary Conditions for Slope Cube Module

       Delete All Boundary Conditions

Edit Properties and Conditions on FE-Mesh

Edits Properties and Conditions on FE-Mesh

Edit Properties and Conditions on Geo-Objects

Edits Properties and Conditions on Geometrical Objects

Transfer all Properties to FE-Mesh

Transfers Properties from Geo-Objects to FE-Mesh.


Offers commands to edit Sections

       Edit Sections

       Generate Sections

       Create New Section From Selection

       Create New Section From Current View

       Display All Domain

       Display Previous Section View

       Display Only Selection

       Hide Selection

       Toggle Visibility

       Cut Section With Rectangle

       Cut Section With Indexes

       Import FE-Mesh Sections


Offers commands to edit Cross-Sections


       Delete Selected Cross-Section

       Delete All Cross-Sections

       Adjust Work Plane

Auxiliary Objects

Offers commands to edit Auxiliary Objects (Comments and Dimensions)

       Delete Selected Dimensions

       Delete All Dimensions

       Edit Comment

       Delete Selected Comment

       Delete All Comments

Background Layers

Offers commands to edit Background Layers

       Edit Background Layer

       Move Background Layer

       Rotate Background Layer

       Mirror Background Layer

       Stretch Background Layer

       Skew Background Layer

       Delete All Background Layers