Program Options - FE-Mesh Tab

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The Program Options dialog window has five tabs, one related to Graphics, one to Program Options, one to Navigator, one to FE-Mesh (below), and one to Files and Directories.

In the Mesh Limits part of the FE-Mesh Tab one can

  1. specify the Recommended maximum number of finite elements for 2D projects,
  2. specify the Recommended maximum number of finite elements for 3D projects.

In the Export Options part of the FE-Mesh Tab  one can select various export options, such as

  1. whether to Export intermediate points on boundary curves,
  2. whether to Include internal curves in Boundary Information Table, and
  3. whether to Write Description Tables.

Finally, in the Preferred Generator for 2D Meshes part of the FE-Mesh Tab, one can select whether to use the MESHGEN (default) or Genex program.