Program Options - Navigator Tab

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The Program Options dialog window has five tabs, one related to Graphics , one to Program Options, one to Navigator (below), one to FE-Mesh, and one to Files and Directories.

In the Navigator Tab of the Program Options dialog window one can check several options related to the display on the Navigator Bar.


When the check box "Synchronize selection of Geometrical Objects" is checked, clicking on any object on the Navigator Bar leads to its automatic selection in Views. When this checkbox is not checked, one can select an object by clicking on it with the right mouse button at the Navigator Bar and using the Select command from the pop-up menu.

Similarly, when the check box "Synchronize selection of FE-Mesh Entities" is checked, clicking on any FE-Mesh Entity on the Navigator Bar leads to its automatic selection in Views.

Object Names:

There three radio buttons define how the object names are displayed on the Navigator Bar. It is possible to display:

- standard names,

- user-defined names (if used),

- both user-defined names and standard names.