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The View Menu offers the following commands:



Brief Description

View/Edit Geometry  

Displays Geometry Objects defining the transport domain in the View Window.

View/Edit FE-Mesh  

Displays FE-mesh defining the transport domain in the View Window

View/Edit Domain Properties

Displays Transport Domain with material spatial distribution in the View Window

View/Edit Initial Conditions

Displays Transport Domain with water flow initial conditions in the View Window.

View/Edit Boundary Conditions

Displays Transport Domain with water flow boundary conditions in the View Window

View/Edit Results

Displays Transport Domain with pressure head contours in the View Window

Show/Hide Navigator Bar

Displays or hides the Navigator Bar

Show/Hide Edit Bar

Displays or hides the Edit Bar

Show/Hide Status Bar

Displays or hides the Status Bar

Reset Toolbars

Resets Toolbars

Customize Toolbars

Customizes Toolbars

Default View

Sets the default view of the View Window

Zoom by Rectangle

Zooms using a rectangle

View All

Displays the entire transport domain

Previous View

Displays the previous view

Dynamic View

Sets the dynamic view mode to allow displayed objects to be manipulated with the mouse

View Stretching

Changes the relative scale of the coordinates x and y for the display in the View Window

Perspective View

Specifies the Perspective View of objects displayed in the View window


Rotates the object displayed in the View Window along the vertical axis

View Listboxes

Displays listboxes in the Inverse Data dialog window

View in Direction

Displays objects in the View Window from different directions

Izometric View

In X-direction

In Y-direction

In Z-direction

In Reverse X-direction

In Reverse Y-direction

In Reverse Z-direction