How to Edit Boundary Conditions

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Boundary Conditions can be specified in HYDRUS either

  1. a directly on the finite element mesh (as done in Version 1.0 and as described below), or

  1. on geometrical objects (e.g., boundary curves, rectangles, circles, surfaces); see How to Define Properties on Geo Objects and Boundary Conditions on Geo Objects.

How to Edit Boundary Conditions on Finite Element Mesh

There are two ways how one can assign boundary conditions (e.g., for water flow, solute transport, and heat transport) to selected boundary nodes:

  1. One first selects nodes (using either the mouse in the View Window, selecting geometrical objects on the Data Tab of the Navigator Bar, selecting Sections on the Section Tab of the Navigator Bar, or selecting objects by the mouse in the View Window and using the Ctrl keyboard button). The boundary condition is then assigned by clicking on the required Boundary Condition button (e.g., Constant Head, Constant Flux, Seepage Face, Atmospheric Boundary) on the Edit Bar. A dialog window appears for those boundary conditions for which certain values need to be specified (e.g., Constant Head, Constant Flux, Deep Drainage).

  1. One may also first click on the required Boundary Condition button (e.g., Constant Head, Constant Flux, Seepage Face, Atmospheric Boundary) on the Edit Bar, which will start the selection process. After the selection process of the FE-Mesh nodes by the mouse in the View Window is finished a dialog window will appear automatically for those boundary conditions for which values need to be specified (e.g., Constant Head, Constant Flux, Deep Drainage).

Several boundary conditions, such as Seepage Face or Free Drainage do not need any values. For boundary conditions that vary with time, values are specified in the Time Variable Boundary Conditions dialog window.

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