How to Edit Domain Properties

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Various Domain Properties (e.g., material distribution, observation nodes) can be specified in HYDRUS either

  1. directly on the finite element mesh (as done in Version 1.0 and as described below), or
  2. on geometrical objects (e.g., surfaces, volumes) (in Version 2.0 and later; see
    How to Define Properties on Geo Objects,
    Materials on Geo Objects, or
    Observation Nodes on Geo Objects).

How to Edit Properties on Finite Element Mesh

There are three ways how one can assign values of different properties (material numbers or subregions) to selected objects (nodes or triangles):

  1. First select objects (nodes, elements, or Geometric Objects) in the View Window and then click on the Edit Bar on a material or subregion (colored square) to make an assignment.

  1. First click on a material (or subregion) on the Edit Bar. This will start the selection mode (the cursor will change). A particular material (or subregion) is then assigned by selecting objects (nodes, elements, or Geometric Objects) in the View Window.

  1. One may also first click on the Set Values or Set Property button of the Edit Bar and then select objects. A particular material (or subregion) is then assigned in a dialog that will appear after the selection process is finished.

Domain Properties include:



 Nodal Recharge


 Scaling Factors


 Observation Nodes




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