Insert Comment

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Labels add any desired text to the computational domain in the View Window using the Insert->Auxiliary Objects->Dimensions command or the Comments command from the Insert Object part of the Domain Geometry version of the Edit Bar. One then clicks simply anywhere in the View window and write the desired text. The text itself, its color, frame, and its offset are specified in the Edit Comment dialog window.

After a command for defining a Comment is selected, a user needs to first select a location to which the comment will point using a cursor. The Edit Bar lists during this operation the coordinates of a cursor (Position), the color to be used for a comment, and the comment text (Text) (Figure below left). A user can also select the Font to be used for the comment text.. After the position is selected, a user defines an Offset of the Comment text. The comment text, the comment font and color, and offset are displayed at the Edit Bar (Figure below left).