New Features in Version 2.x

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New features in version 2.05 of HYDRUS as compared to version 2.04 include:


The new Slope Cube (Slope Stress and Stability) module is a supplemental module of the HYDRUS (2D) software package to simulate two-dimensional transient fields of soil moisture, soil suction, suction stress, total and effective stresses, and local factor of safety.


New features in version 2.04 of HYDRUS as compared to version 2.03 include:


The new Soil Stability module that is intended to be used mainly for stability checks of embankments, dams, earth cuts and anchored sheeting structures.


The new HyPar module, which is a parallelized version of the standard two-dimensional and three-dimensional HYDRUS computational modules (h2d_calc.exe and h3d_calc.exe)


New features in version 2.03 of HYDRUS as compared to version 2.02 include:


Using new fonts compatible with the Chinese, Japanese and other similar Windows systems. This should prevent cutting off text in dialogs and other parts of the GUI.


Export of isolines (available only in 3D-Professional).


Import if various quantities (pressure head initial condition, etc.) from values defined at scattered 2D/3D points.


Allowing triggered irrigation in the UnsatChem module.


New features in the computational module of the version 2.02 of HYDRUS as compared to version 2.0 include:


Updated Unsatchem Module.


The new DualPerm module simulating flow and transport in dual-permeability porous media.


The new C-Ride module simulating colloid transport and colloid-facilitated solute transport.


New features in the GUI of the version 2.02 of HYDRUS as compared to version 2.0 include:


GUI look has been improved by using true-color icons and advanced docking-panel layout.  


Added new function: File -> Export -> Export FE-Mesh. This function exports FE-mesh to a text file that includes information about links between geometrical objects and corresponding FE-mesh elements.


Added new function: File -> Export -> Export Current Quantity. This function exports values of the current quantity (displayed in the active view) into a text file. The function exports values only for visible nodes (one can use FE-Mesh Sections to export values for any part of the domain).


Improvement: if there is a difference between values defined on GeoObj and FE-mesh, the program displays a yellow arrow pointing to the first difference.


Improvement:Defining objects on geometric objects is possible even after removing some FE-elements from the mesh. Values are then transferred from GeoObj to remaining mesh nodes or elements.  


Added new option: Authorization of HYDRUS using a hardware key (HASP). Starting with version 2.02, the software key (activation) can be used to authorize only separate computers, while a Hardware Key is required for the network installation.   


New features in the computational module of the version 2.0 of HYDRUS as compared to version 1.0 include:


New more efficient algorithm for particle tracking. Time-step control to guarantee smooth particle paths.


Initial conditions can be specified in the Total Solute Mass (previously only liquid phase concentrations were allowed).


Initial Equilibration of nonequilibrium solute phases with equilibrium solute phase (given in initial conditions).


Gradient Boundary Conditions (users can specify other than unit (free drainage) gradients boundary conditions).


A Subsurface Drip boundary condition (with a drip characteristic function reducing irrigation flux based on the back pressure).


A Surface Drip boundary condition with dynamic wetting radius.


A Seepage Face boundary condition with a specified pressure head.


Triggered Irrigation - irrigation is triggered by the program when the pressure head at a particular observation node drops below a specified value.


Time-variable internal pressure head or flux nodal sinks/sources (previously only constant internal sinks/sources).


Fluxes across meshlines in the computational module for multiple solutes (previously only for one solute).


HYDRUS calculates and reports surface runoff, evaporation and infiltration fluxes for the atmospheric boundary.


Water content dependence of solute reactions parameters using the Walker’s [1974] formula was implemented.


Option to consider Root Solute Uptake, including both passive and active uptake [Šimůnek and Hopmans, 2009].


The Per Moldrup’s tortuosity models [Moldrup et al., 1997, 2000] were implemented as an alternative to the Millington and Quirk [1960] model.


An option to use a set of Boundary Condition records multiple times.


Executable programs are about 1.5 - 3 times faster than in the standard version due to the loop vectorization.


A new CWM1 constructed wetland module (in addition to the CW2D module).


New options related to the Fumigant Transport (e.g., removal of tarp, temperature dependent tarp properties, additional injection of fumigant).


New features in the GUI of the version 2.0 of HYDRUS as compared to version 1.0 include:


General three-dimensional domains formed from three-dimensional objects (Solids, bodies) of general shapes. Three-dimensional objects are formed by boundary surfaces, which can be either Planar surfaces or curved surfaces (Quadrangle, Rotary, Pipe, B-Spline). In more complicated cases it is also possible to use Intersections of surfaces and solids and to create in this way openings in solids or to carry out with solids logical operations.


Import of initial conditions from existing HYDRUS projects even with (slightly) different geometry or FE mesh.


Import of various quantities (e.g., domain properties, initial and boundary conditions) from another HYDRUS projects even with (slightly) different geometry or FE mesh.