Pop-up Menus

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Context-sensitive menus with useful commands for a particular object can be called from the View window when clicking the right mouse button. While the commands are accessible also from the main menu, right-clicking the mouse is much faster. Menus for multiple selections that may contain different types of objects operate in the same way. When the right mouse button is clicked a default menu will appear when no object is close to the cursor.

When one clicks with the right mouse button on the view window, the pop-up menu  will appear. This menu will allow users to

  1. select different views (View), i.e., Isometric, in X-direction, in Y-direction, in Z-direction, Reverse X-direction, Reverse Y-direction, Reverse Z-direction, or a Perspective View.
  2. select Numbering (turns on and off the display of numbering for objects selected under Numbering Options on the Navigator Bar).
  3. go quickly to various Numbering Options (this command will bring the Navigator Bar to the View Tab on Numbering).
  4. switch Full Rendering/Wire Rendering (see 8.1.4 of the User Manual).
  5. start the Autorotate function that will rotate the transport domain in the View window
  6. call the Show Work Plane, i.e., to show the axis and the origin of the Work Plane
  7. call the Set Grid and Work Plane dialog window (Set Grid and Work Plane)
  8. select the Coordinate System (call the List of Available Coordinate Systems dialog window), and
  9. call the Display Options dialog window.

Other Pop-Up menus may appear for different displays in the View window.