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All boundary objects can be manipulated using the Move, Copy, Rotate, Mirror, Stretch, or Skew operations in the Move – Copy, Rotate, Mirror, Stretch, and Skew dialog windows.. The command can be accessed either from the Tools menu or from the Transform Object part of the Domain Geometry version of the Tools (Edit) Bar on the right side of the View Window. A user first selects an object to be manipulated, then clicks on the command, and specifies the Vector of Translation for the Move or Copy operations, or the Angle of Rotation for a Rotation, or defines the Mirroring Plane/Axis for a Mirroring operation.

Selected geometrical object can be stretched in the selected X-, Y-, or Z-directions by a specified multiple. The origin of the stretching can be either user-defined (by defining its coordinates or picking it from existing nodes graphically) or defined by the "Center of the Bounding Box" (i.e., center of a rectangle that can be drawn around the object) .

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