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Brief Description

Display Quantity

Selects a variable to be displayed

Pressure Head

Water Content


Velocity Vectors




Nonequilibrium Concentrations

Liquid Concentrations (Wetlands Module)

Adsorbed Concentrations (Wetlands Module)

Adsorbed Concentrations

Root Water Uptake

Water Mass Transfer

Solute Mass Transfer

Dual-Permeability Matrix

Dual-Permeability Fractures

See the complete list of Standard and Alternative Variables listed in the tables below.

Standard variables displayed in the View Window of the Results tab (Results - Graphical Display).



Pressure Head

Pressure head h [L]; displayed always

Water Content

Water content θ [-]; displayed always


Values of the Darcy's flux q [L/T]; displayed always

Velocity Vectors

Darcy's flux vectors q [L/T]; displayed always

Root Water Uptake

Root water uptake S [1/T]; displayed when root water uptake is considered

Concentration i

Liquid phase concentration c [Mc/Lw3]; displayed when solute transport in the standard module is simulated.

Sorbed Noneq. Conc. i

Concentration of kinetically sorbed solute sk [Mc/Ms]+; displayed when solute transport in the standard module is simulated and when the two-site sorption model is considered.

Immobile Conc. i

Concentration in the immobile water cim [Mc/Lw3]; displayed when solute transport in the standard module is simulated and mobile-immobile water or dual-porosity models are considered.


Temperature T [oC]; displayed when heat transport is simulated.

Unsatchem Variables

Major ions (Ca, Mg, Na, K, HCO3, SO4, Cl, tracer, sorbed Ca, sorbed Mg, sorbed Na, sorbed K, calcite, gypsum, dolomite, nesquohonite, hydromagnesite, sepiolite; displayed when the Unsatchem module is used.

Wetland Variables

Various variables used in the two constructed wetlands modules CW2D and CWM1 (see the Wetlands module manual for details).

Subscripts c, s, and w refer to contaminant, soil, and water.

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