Display Water Contents

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Displays a spatial distribution of the water content.

The water contents can be displayed by means of Spectral maps, Isolines, Color Points, Color Edges, and Isosurfaces, or by Animation of both the spectral maps and isolines.

The entire finite element mesh, boundary nodes, and the numbering of nodes, elements and/or edges, can be displayed together with the graph (see View Tab of the Navigator Bar). The desired display option can be selected using the Display Options window.

Users can zoom into a specific part of the transport domain, while the entire transport domain can be enlarged or reduced, among other options (see View Menu commands).

The time intervals for output must be selected prior to performing any calculations with the input data.

Users may browse through particular time layers using the commands First, Last, Previous, and Next in the Results Menu.

When a steady-state flow calculation is carried out, only the final steady-state profile will be displayed.

Mobile or immobile water contents can be displayed alternatively (see Alternative Variables). The selection, which variable is displayed, is made on the View Tab of the Navigator Bar.

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